Monday, January 19, 2009

brown v. board?

in light of todays significance (mlk day) i thought i would let you in on some statistics i've been learning about.

public education today is as segregated if not more segregated than it was in 1954. Most public high schools in nyc are 85-90% black and hispanic. They receive $2,000 less per student than suburban high schools that are predominantly white and teachers remain in these urban schools for an average of 8 months. In 1997 teachers in South Bronx made an average of 43,000 per year, while teachers in the wealthy suburb of Scarsdale, 11 miles away, made an average of $81,000.

There is a school in Los Angeles named for Rosa Parks that is 86% black and hispanic.
There is a school in NYC named for Langston Hughes thats 99% black and hispanic.
There is a school in Milwaukee named for MLK himself thats 99% black and hispanic.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?

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