Saturday, December 27, 2008

ps i'm emotional

so, in light of my dear friend kate's recent blogging adventures, and the movie ps i love you, and a glass of wine, i've decided i should make a list of things in my life that i'm grateful for. all in all its a little bit harder for me to be happy so i figured this is a healthy self-examination thingy.

1. my big sister. this is the first time in i don't know how long i've been able to live in the same house as her and i'm grateful for these last couple months where we just get to be denny and mary's daughters eating dinner at 5141 Meadow Ridge.
2. My other big sister Katy who has befriended my real big sister. I don't get to talk to her as often as i used to but big sister 1 and big sister 2 do good things.
3. Manute and Muffin. its a beautiful thing to find people like them who understand you fully and love you for it. and they make me giggle.
4. tom hanks movies. no seriously. i want to fall in love w/ a man like tom hanks. not too attractive, but not ugly. kind. funny. poofy. balding.
5. jason mraz music. he sounds like he really knows how to love a woman.
6. i was saving this one for number 6. "seis of base" are a group of girls who i've known for all of my formative years. they may not understand me always, but they love me anyways. the 6 of us won't all be together again for over a year but i have faith that after our adventures we'll all end up sitting in my basement, all talking at the same time and laughing at an inside joke we don't remember but still find hilarious.

all right, i'm going to stop before i really regret this. good night, good luck, merry christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008


so i spent all of yesterday somewhere in between my bed and the bathroom with the worst flu ever in the history of flus. you may think, how could you possibly know that it was the worst taylor? lots of people have the flu and it can be pretty bad and yours only lasted one day? well i'll tell you how i know it was the worst. its cuz it was happening to me.

i'm slowly recovering and beginning to venture away from the stricly saltine/diet canada dry diet. bring it on plain toast, i'm ready for you.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

more than just a hair crush

i think that there should be a daniel day-lewis channel, completely dedicated to the man and the ponytail. it could air interviews and photo montages and much more.

it could play the last of the mohicans, the crucible and gangs of new york on repeat. this would be a glorious thing.

Friday, December 12, 2008

a time machine to 2006

so today i started my macy's job at the cosmetics counter, specifically clinique. today was also clinique's special "clinique happy" fragrance day. i'm gonna smell like 'happy' for the next month, which is coincidentally the scent i wore till junior year. another of many reversions back to high school happening over this break.

tonight i'm going to sadies. not actually the dance, i'm just chaperoning some lovely ladies afterparty. cuz i'm chaperone age now. when did i get old? (girls i know you read this and i'm actually super jazzed to help and seeing as you'll read this post dance, just to let you know i'm sure i had oodles of fun)

would you like a clinique happy fragrance sample ma'am? no? go f*&% yourself.

Friday, December 5, 2008

hippopotamus? no thanks...

what do i want this year for christmas? being a christmas freak, i've given this question a lot of thought in the past 4 months. now, if US weekly asked me because i was a big celeb, my answer would read like the lyrics to michael bubles "my grown up christmas list," buy everyone who really knew me would know that was bull poo. i'm here to give you some straight talk...john mccain style.

1. a jonas brother. i'm not particular about which one, but please not the bonus jonas, i'd have to fake a smile and a thank you if that was the one i received, like grandma's sweater from three years ago except, ya know, an eight year old boy.
2. the instant ability to play the piano really well. i don't wanna take lessons or practice, i just wanna be insta-awesome.
3. the knowledge that vampires exist in the real world. i don't need to fall in love w/ one cuz that sounds complicated but to know that they were real would be sweet, and if one of them wants to spend four books having super awesome sexual tension, i'd be open to that.
4. a puppy. i know its unlikely but i've been asking for one since i was 4 so it just seems appropriate to include that here. ya know, 16th times the charm.
5. Barry Manilow's cover cd "best songs of the 80's"

thats all. i'll leave you with this. If santa had to pick a favorite family band, which would it be? think about it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

too cool for school

this conversation just happened with my dad:

d: hey taylor, i liked that song you were playing earlier...what was it?
t: which one?
d: i think it talked about hard candy
t: oh my god dad, 'laffy taffy' by d4l?
d: yeah, how'd that one go?
t: umm, "girls call me jolly rancher, oh, cuz i stay so hard..."
d: yes! thats the one. do you think you're mom would like that disc?


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i think i've gone round the bend...

so the furnace in my bedroom in chicago is broken. its been serviced 3 times (dirty). first, it won't turn off. then it wont' turn on. then it makes my bedroom feel like a humid day in mexico in july. but its most recent dilapidation is my favorite. my furnace is drowning kittens.

every five minutes it makes this strange pissing noise that sounds like it is slowly torturing a brood of kittens. every five minutes. all night long. that means no sleep. all night. no sleep. i think its the taliban attacking my bedroom. i dreamt about killing osama bin laden on a bicycle. stop doing this to me furnace!!

oh well, i'll deal with it in six i come edina!

Monday, November 17, 2008

physical and emotional bruises

so this last weekend my mutti was in town, it vas vonderful. we shopped, we saw jersey boys, we went to the zoo. fun was had by all. one downfall.

my mom has gotten a little "mrs. bennett" on me and courtney lately in that she feels its about time to marry us off. its less serious w/ me because old english custom calls for courtney to marry first, but she has taken to doing this thing where whenever she sees an attractive man who appears to be appropriately aged for me, she hits my left arm to make sure i notice too.

great mom, now, when the anxiety of talking to a cute boy hits my stomach, now i can also associate it with your palm slapping my forearm. super.

Monday, November 10, 2008

the west wing of my soul

so a couple days ago president elect (eeeek) barack obama named his white house chief of staff. its a congressman from the 5th cd of illinois, rahm emanuel. nbd right? wrong.

this man served as inspiration to aaron sorkin for the character on the west wing responsible for not only my love of older men w/ poofy hair, but also my love of politics: josh lyman.

my fantasies are coming true, how do i become his assistant??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i'm budging, not killing babies...wait.

so, yesterday was hanson concert numero dos. it was magic. i budged, got super close and had eye sex with all three members of the band.

highs of the night:
seeing zac hanson actually high. seriously, you could smell it.
taylor's man scarf and large bulge.
isaac's o faces during guitar solos

lows of the night:
the 10 minute lecture about dying babies in africa. seriously, save activism for the afternoon, tonight i wanna mmbop.

all together it was an amazing show. so magical. so wonderful. so hantastic.

ps. political post for later tonight or should i say tomorrow morning. this election is wonderful and stressful. vote. hanson told you to.

Monday, October 27, 2008

life imitates art, or the other way around

and by art i mean bad reality tv.

my life has been consumed lately by foreign men and brawls at parties, and not in a glamorous sexy way.

The following sentence has actually become a part of my reality:
"sometimes its just too early for me to be seeing naked Italians in our apartment."

Friday, October 24, 2008

step touch my way online

so today i was preordering my tickets the hsm 3 premiere tonight, and fandango movie tickets asked me "do you want us to post this purchase on your facebook page so all your friends can know?"

thats stupid, no. i don't want all my friends to know....i'd rather have my good friends read about it on my blog. stupid.

so here goes, the end of an era. i've got my wildcats tshirt on, my zac efron bracelet on, and i'm ready to purchas a new ringtone.

get ready for a dance along.

Monday, October 20, 2008

the cold wars over...

so i got to spend this weekend playing in northern mn with friends, family, and other peoples children. it was mucho fun, except when it wasn't, but i learned the best way to get over a good cry is to dance it out w/ hanson and a soul train.

and i got to learn about Jesus and the gospel of troy, first chapter, third verse, "here and now, its time for celebration, we're gonna rock the house, yeaaaaaah..."
great dancing folks. see you soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

where's edward?

i'm pretty sure the most recent episode of true blood just scared me into lifelong virginity. its this show on hbo about vampires which i thought i was into now except that its terrifying. Its is disgusting and captivating in such a way that I'm sickened by it but i can't look away.

in the most recent episode sookie was having sex w/ her delicious (not meant to be a joke) vampire Bill. while she was laying back and thinking of England, she told Bill to bite her. and he did. and there was a lot of blood. i didn't like it.

here's to celibacy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

political efficacy is sooo in.

so lately there have been a lot of inspirational celebrity videos telling you to vote because your voice needs to be heard blah blah blah blah....

i love them. they combine my love for politics w/ my love for celebrity gossip and pretty people. seriously they are wonderful. there's the song "yes we can" and "obama." There's the "five friends" video that makes a joke out of it and where leo dicaprio looks especially sexy.

and my favorite so far is at with not only the entire cast of gossip girl but also some ex cast members from the west wing. it combines my petty love of scandal and gossip with my true calling to public service and political affairs.

Friday, October 3, 2008

raindrops and whiskers and lattes

I have a new favorite place to study and listen to death cab or hanson: the starbucks and the corner of belden and orchard. the reasons are as follows.
1) Its close enough to campus to walk there comfortably but far enough to not be full of students.
2) Its right by some irish pub sports bar thing so when the white sox score or when they suck, I can hear the middle aged men cheer or cry.
3) There is a beautiful view of the big brownstones on Belden with vines overgrowth and bmw's parked in front.
4) There is a tunnel of tree cover that is currently turning beautiful shades of yellow, red and brown.
5) There is an outside patio with lots of cute birds and squirrels who don't judge me for bringing coffee from home like those silly starbuck employees do. They especially like it when i share my muffin crumbs with them.

Friday, September 26, 2008


i'm revoking my blog postponement because i have something very serious and pertinent to the election. especially who will be most capable and who has the best judgement to lead this nation.

what the hell was john mccain thinking? he clearly is not capable of making sound decisions regarding what is necessary to being a qualified candidate.

what sort of judgement told him that that tie was ok to wear in public?

think about it, what kind of ties to you want to be looking at for the next eight years.

i'm taylor o'brien. this is the hypothetical situation room.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

john mccain told me to.

i hereby postpone my blog until the financial crisis is solved. i can only focus on one problem at a time, and i hear this one is a biggie.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

30 years ago, i could've been taylor taylor

if you don't own it already, go out and buy james taylor's october road. not only was this man kinda dreamy when he was younger and had a drug addiction and some cheating issues, this album is possibly the most perfect soundtrack to the fall season ever. just skip the christmas song at the end.

Monday, September 22, 2008

if i had my druthers...

i think that all men should own a really good half zip. i think if i met a witty, politically active boy w/ a nice navy half zip, i would take off my emotional pants.

Monday, September 15, 2008

hmmm, a break from reality.

in when harry met sally, one of the adorable couples thats been married for years and years and years says the following about the moment they knew they were meant for one another.
"and thats when I knew. I knew the way you know about a good melon."

precious? yes.
sigh-enducing? yes.

but here in lies the problem.
I don't know how to tell if a melon is good. think about it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

fiction meets nonfiction

so barack obama met aaron sorkin at the beginning of the campaign cycle. aaron sorkin, for those of you who don't know, wrote the first four season of the west wing and i attribute my political aspirations to his show and mr. dockters teachings. i love him, he's fabulous. when meeting, senator obama said the following,
"aaron, i'm a huge fan. just to let you know, these next few years i plan on stealing some of your lines."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

a crystal ball shaped like mutti

they always make jokes about you becoming your mother. i thought that was supposed to happen when i actually became a mother and it was only gonna happen when i fought with my kids or when i drove them to school in my subaru. but its happening right now.

its been a slow process, one that has been taking place since the summer before my senior year when i grew big boobs like my mom. I sat on my glasses so they slid down my face like my mom. but this past two day period has showed me that the transformation is complete. mutti o'brien and i went to the cabin and it became abundantly clear, we are the same.

we do the same stupid dance moves in the car. (its a lot of snapping and trying to step touch without using your feet.)
we both talk to the tv during the rnc coverage and say the same things to the same stupid republicans. this can range from calling rudy g. an asshole at the same time (it came around the chanting of 'drill baby drill') or to nodding at the same time and saying mmmmhmmm during wolf blitzers response.

help me make it stop. how do i make this transformation go away. i'm not ready to be 54 yet. i'm still getting used to being twenty.

Monday, September 1, 2008

future job positions

I would like to be one of the following when i grow up.
-campbell brown on cnn. i would seriously like to be her. just hanging out and kicking republican ass on a daily basis. and she's hot.
-the jolie-pitt nanny. i would sleep w/ brad, it would be scandalous and perez would blog about it. glorious.

if anyone knows what i need to major in to become these things please let me know.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i don't feel so good

1. pronto pup
2. strawberries and creme
3. mini donuts
4. honey ice cream
5. island noodles
6. cheese curds
7. corn fritters
8. root beer and diet coke
9. cinnamon pretzel
10. unlimited milk
11. latte
12. bacon on a stick

dear other 49 states,
my state fair is bigger than your state fair
ps heidi montag please stop making music

Saturday, August 23, 2008

heart explosion

this conversation happened with john, the five year old i babysit.

john: hey taylor, will you be my girlfriend?
me: john, i don't think that that would work. i'm dating joe jonas and he might get mad if i had two boyfriends...
john: ok, i understand. do you think that joe would get mad if you read me some stories before bed?
taylor: no, i think joe would be very ok w/ that....

the things that rock about this are that the only guy who really asked me out this summer was five and likes me because my boobies look big in my swimsuit, i make really good mac and cheese and i know all the words to camp rock when we watch it. also, now someone in the world really thinks that joe jonas is my boyfriend. albeit he is five and has trouble pronouncing his j's.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

somebody sedate me...

i'm having another allergy attack, and on top of being sort of high off sudafed, motrin, benedryl and allegra, i think that these attacks are also responsible for my freshmen fifteen. because today i discovered that the only appropriate food to eat during an allergy attack is dq grill and chill and mcd's.

but don't worry its ok, because gossip girl has allergies too...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

into the wild, only less dramatic

so i've been sleeping under the stars lately and i've come to the following conclusions...
1.)immersing yourself in nature may cause back pain so be sure to bring some aleve
2.)waking up in the morning after sleeping on a dock or beach not only happens very early but comes with a thick layer of dew on everything
3.)peter and michael snore and carl talks in his sleep
4.)seeing the northern lights and enough shooting stars for a lifetime made it all completely worth it.
5.)there is a limit to how much summer-sausage one person can eat

Saturday, July 26, 2008

once again, mutti knows best

my mom recommended a book to me and i read it reluctantly, trying to placate her and also get myself out of the 'waiting for breaking dawn' blues. little did i know that the book would rip me out of my quarter life crisis and prove again that my mom knows me a little bit better than i'm comfortable with. also, there are some awesome sex on the beach scenes. Its called 'the last summer of you and me.' read it.

some of my fav quotes from the book...
"The chief frustration of romantic love was that you couldn't make it go by yourself."

"Step up. take your life. its waiting for you!"

"But his capacity for hope, like hers, was irrational and unending."

"In some sense, she was never really anywhere. She was happiest, Paul suspected, in transit, where the past was untouchable and the present was negligible. And she would be, he guessed, for as long as she kept believing that the future would be better."

"You could spend the rest of your life longing for a single idealized moment that may not have even happened."

and the best one for me...
"Maybe there was no gap, no jump, no chasm. You didn't forget yourself all at once. Maybe you just looked around one time or another and you thought, 'hey.' And there you were."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

emotional crisis aftermath

so i just had what can best be described as a quarter life crisis. the best quote was, "but dad, I'm twenty now. thats not a bullshit age like 19. 20 year olds are legit!"

the following decisions were made:
1. i hate community organizing, or at least registering voters at bus stops.
2. just because i spent a lot of time thinking i wanted to go into politics doesn't mean thats what i have to do.
3. my mom is horrible at helping in emotional crisis(s) (what is the plural of crisis?) always go to dad first.

to do list for sophomore year:
1. learn how to play the piano.
2. explore other interests like english or religious studies
3. spend less time in bars

thats all, i'm better now. or at least i will be after a jonas brothers song and some twilight

Monday, July 21, 2008


I have a tendency to develop strangely consuming obsessions. Its not something I'm proud of, but it also isn't something I've been able to stop in the past 7 years of my life. Lets take a walk down memory lane and recall some of my less than admirable interests in life...

4th-7th grade= the backstreet boys. when i wasn't deciding how I was going to tame aj's wild ways and marry him, I was using their bands abbrev to protect my identity.

8th grade=i fell in love with televisions series' from all walks of life. For the rest of middle school and the beginning of high school I was determined to move to Orange County and fall in love with a nerd who like comic books.

9th grade=US gov't class. chest hair. flannel. you know who i'm talking about.

High School=High school was a mix of inexplicable crushes and irrational obsessions with male teachers.

Freshmen year= It was last year I discovered my desire to fall in love with a member of a brother band, preferably one in a set of three. see joe jonas and zac hanson.

Most recently it has been the book series called Twilight. I've spend the last 48 hours in a daze of vampire and werewolf forbidden love and mortal danger. I'm having trouble returning to reality and accepting that I probably won't spend the rest of my existence with Edward Cullen.

I'm trying to get back to reality.

Friday, July 18, 2008

sticking it to the man

i don't know how to make this a link but copy and past into the url cuz its awesome. thats all :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

coming soon to a radio station near you

so that girl, muffin and i are starting a girl band. we're called turrets. we sing some original taylor o'brien pieces, but mainly covers of radio disney music and the grateful dead. you will be able to recognize us by our rainbow colored jeans. we'll be touring next fall with the jo bros.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

state bird

I was very pleased to begin my birthday this year in my birthday suit in big sand lake. but alas my skinnydipping adventure has a downside.

i now have some of the most inconveniently placed mosquito bites ever.

Monday, July 7, 2008

i can't take you anywhere

i cannot go to da bees without making a scene. the appetizer sampler just gets me all riled up. especially w/ my two partners in crime along to make me giggle. and a man w/ blonde highlights hitting on us after a miley cyrus dance party.

m: whipped cream is the devils cream
waiter: i've never heard that before, i'm gonna write that in my journal tonight
m: i really enjoy that you journal
waiter: every night.

who wants a wine cooler?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

where are my pills

i am an anxiety prone person. i also have control issues and tend to get frustrated really easily. but this situation goes beyond my issues. i have never felt so frustrated and made such an ass of myself crying at southdale shopping center.

my hard drive failed. my itunes are gone. bring on the waterworks.

Monday, June 30, 2008

what is love, baby don't hurt me...

Here is a little tid bit from my conversations with ellie scheid at the ecc pool. as i was burning myself to a crisp, aspiring to change races, we began discussing the musical stylings of the jonas brotheres and my lifestyle as 'jo bro hoe' (fo sho).

"Taylor, Joe Jonas would never marry you because you are poor and he likes rich pretty girls."
"Ellie, no one is ever going to marry you because you are you."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

crazy straws and such

i miss college life. i'm not saying i want to leave edina right now. i love being with my friends here and such. it would just be great if my dad didnt live in the room next door and my mom didn't wanna sit and watch me eat my lunch cuz "she's just so happy her duck is home."

i need to escape to somewhere where i can sip a drink and say bad words without getting an evil eye and not have to call home if i'm coming home after twelve.

but her occasional surprise twenty is very nice. very nice indeed.

its a paradox, i don't know if thats the right word, but thats what i'm choosing to call it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


it's quiet here. and not just in a 'the bitch across the hall isn't blasting that one taylor swift song' kind of way. it is quiet in a 'no one in the edina area is currently awake' kind of way. i like it. it scares me.

on the downside i am having a lot of trouble occupying my life until my job starts half way through july. i've been taking a lot of naps, rewatching all four seasons of the oc, laying in the sun, and just recently joined the YMCA. today i went to a fitness yoga class. i was the youngest person in the class by AT LEAST twenty years.

this summer is gonna rock.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

spreadsheet it

final tally from my internship:

illinois finance chair's grandma's brownies eaten: 14

nacho cheese trays eaten: 5

number of 1st time donors: 10,000

elevator rides w/ michelle obama: 1

handshakes w/ senator obama: 3

money made: 0

Friday, June 6, 2008

the billy joel musical that is now my life...

there is nothing quite as sad as an empty wall that used to be covered w/ gorgeous men...goodbye manwall, you served me well all freshmen year.

goodbye weird broken ikea clock on aly's wall.

goodbye ugly spotted rug that sheds all over everything, see you in three months.

oh yeah, and Chicago, we've had our rough times and our happy times, and I'm happy to say, I'll be back next year.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

all you have to do is call my name

after learning about all of the sadness that comes along w/ forrest gump and being away from home, i called my support system for a good cry and got a whole lot more.

thank you real big to meg and kess for saving me this weekend from my emotional duress with a lot of time spent horizontal and at the lincoln park zoo. not both at the same time of course, that would be strange.

also, feel better soon and cuddle with the bunnies sweatshirt, it has healing powers

fav quotes from weekend:

if you're already in the bathrrom you might as well just make a poop out of it

you better get off my mother fuckin myspace page
-random man on fullerton

this tea tastes like an alfalfa sandwich

Growing up we're all surrounded with people who are constantly telling us who we are in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, and I think we sometimes believe them. To put yourself out in the world where the only thing defining you is your own actions and thoughts -- it was such an incredible growing experience.
-movie star i can't remember from indiana jones movie

Chicago feels a little less like a completely different world from home now, and that makes me smile a lot.

three weeks :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

2 uncrustables please

sometimes i feel like my internship is the placebo pill of the obama campaign.....think about it.

thats all, short post.

Friday, May 16, 2008

living in a ghansta's paradise, except w/ free tshirts

wanna know what i love? i love naps. especially on my bed w/ my head by the window. i know its weird but i just like it, it is probably one of my favorite parts of friday afternoons...

wanna know what i don't love? bad cover bands. especially when they play at the greek community festival in the quad right outside my window during my nap time....

is it summer yet?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

bawbwa you hussy

barbara walters had a scandalous affair with an attractive senator in the seventies....


maybe i should start wearing pant suits and asking offensive questions w/ a kind voice?

"did you know then that you were a fat ugly whore?"
"oh barbara, you shouldn't have..."

Saturday, April 26, 2008

mo money mo problems? false.

so my job is awesome. i'm all super important (more like just around important people) and i work in a big building on michigan ave. with real live grown ups.

but here's the deal, the grown ups get paid to be there with actual money, i get paid in experience and awkward encounters with my superiors. seriously i just make everyone really uncomfortable w/ nervous phrases like "gee wiz" and 'okie dokie.'

experience and awkward situations do not buy trips to 7/11 and trendy stores on halstead. they don't pay for the 12 stops at fast food restaurants on the way to a hanson concert. they certainly don't pay for trips to dominick's.

ps i think i'm spelling awkward wrong. akward? ackward? oh shoot, this is ...well you know.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

hey zac, wanna mmbop? i won't tell your wife...

so when i first got to bloomington, il for the hanson concert i was a little bummed for a couple of reasons. 1) bloomington sucked, seriously a zoo w/ no animals? what is there to sister sister at elroy's bar and restaurant and thats about it 2) we got there late and missed the walk, how was hanson gonna know about me if i didn't walk a mile w/ them barefoot?

well don't start crying yet, because i redeemed myself.

a couple songs into the concert i started having a hot flash, from all of the dancing of course. so i took off my shirt (don't worry i had a tank top on) and our seats were pretty good so hanson could see me. as i was derobing, zac looked up, made eye contact w/ me and smiled. what do i do to solidify our deep connection in this moment of intimacy?

i shimmied the girls like there was no tomorrow and smiled right back.

zac chuckled, smiled back, and completed my life.

Monday, April 14, 2008

lets skip the white house and head to bunny's

so today while at my new fabulous grown up job, cnn and msnbc were on in the background and the main story of the day was that barack obama was an elitist because of his "bitter" comment (which several reputable PA editorials have said is actually accurate) and that Hillary Clinton in a better candidate because she is down to earth, insert the latest pic of hil-dog drinking a beer and later doing a shot of whiskey...way to go

keep in mind that 4 years ago they said that Bush was the candidate that you would want to have a beer with, and look how well that turned out for the nation...

on a lighter note, my internship rocks, i now know where all of the beautiful men have been hiding in chicago, in 233 N. Michigan ave.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

you make me feel like a natural woman

i have boy issues. not like drastic, start a sitcom about me issues but still, my dad and i had issues and in a very freud like way that transferred into every relationship with a human of the male persuasion.

well this all stops now. i used to think that every man i ever met was someone i had to hide a part of my life from. boys were people who couldn't handle all of the weird quirks and intricacies of taylor o'brien. that was until my four buck chuck enduced epiphany. there is a man in my life who has always loved every bit of me. granted my dad loves me with all of his heart. i know he does. and most of the boys my age i've met have loved the part of me between my clavicle and my bottom rib bone. but there is another man who loves my soul.

louie. my teddy bear. the gund bear who knows and appreicates me and the worst parts of me. he knows that sometimes i go to bed w/out washing my face or brushing my teeth. he knows how i dance when i'm alone listening to hanson. and he knows the things i do when i'm completely alone, and he still is willing to share a bed w/ me every.single.night. he even slept w/ me when i wore a back brace.

that is love.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

allow time to simmer...

the ingredients for the perfect wed.
-first add three hours of time spend with oprah and the makeover crew, allow for oprah to come w/in six inches of yourself and your vip party of five
-then add a trip to michigan avenue for an interview w/ the obama campaign for a finance internship and be sure to include several politically aware and attractive men
-finish it off with an email informing you that you start your new internship next monday, and allow time for insanely spastic happiness to settle
-stir continually to avoid burning the broth

Monday, March 31, 2008

no i swear, i'm not a native, but thanks...

some really awesome phrases i accidently said in spain in attempt to sound like i actually spoke spanish
"mine sister is breaking the glass on the ceiling"
"please may i have 32 euro coins?"

wow, senor diaz would be soo proud :)

overall fantastic trip, lots of bbc and german karaokee

taylor o'brien, bbc news

Saturday, March 15, 2008

ring around the rosie

sometimes i feel like i'm getting absolutely nothing accomplished in academia and life

my grades are basically exactly the same
i'm watching the same shows on tv on dvd
and i feel like i am emotionally and romantically in the exact same place i was at the end of fall quarter

i'm feeling dizzy and i can promise it has nothing to do with a hangover or a merry go round

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i'm a vip, but should i brag about it?

today i went to a taping of the jerry springer show, and i tend to be a pretty comfortable person, but i have never felt more out of place. i got a vip ticket so i could sit in the front row because apparently i look real pretty and the shows stage manager wants to "see my face on the camera when they start pulling hair." ok, thats terrifying

oh and i sat next to a security guard, his name was pete, and twice he kept me from being steamrolled by two shirtless men fighting about the girl w/out a bra who might be having one of their baby's, this is my interweb thank you note to pete...thanks for being my man wall between sanity and trailer trash :) and no you can't have my number...

i did get really into the chants though, it brought me back to my days in the ehs bleachers at football and hockey games...
things like "milk that cow, milk that cow!!" and "the whore deserves a beating, the whore deserves a beating" "beat that prison whore, beat that prison whore" instead of yelling at the people on stage, it felt like i was yelling at the ep cheerleaders on ice skates who fall down all the time....oh, memories :)

much love,

Monday, March 10, 2008

what side, strong side

and I will walk with you
using the stars as guides
on a homeward path we go
knowing our time is nigh
I, I will walk... to be with you
so put your hand in mine
and lay your head to rest
we'll light the candles now
they won't be lit for long
we'll know our day was blessed

this weekend home reminded me of just how much i love home. maybe i'll just do a jig in chicago and pretend to be sipping tea in sri's apartment.

ps. clarification from way earlier post about naked hot-tubbing...i was not naked. other people were and it made me extremely uncomfortable. i was completelty swimsuited up. that is all.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i've seen that anxiety ridden tree before...

i am once again at that place in a potential fun flirty dating whatchamacallit where i lose all knowledge and control and give way to the silly girly, stupid, anxiety attack prone girl that i am

oh, what am i doing tonight? i don't know, not going on a date w/ you because i don't have the cajones to ask, maybe i'll just watch some tv on dvd w/ 104.5 and analyze the relationship i'm not having...that sounds like a more conducive environment to snacking anyways....

why is unfulfilled sexual tensionso much more fun when its happening to fictional characters?

Monday, March 3, 2008

oh brother bear

And to sleep under the stars
who could ask for more
with the moon watching over me...

thank you disney, for returning to the animation that we all love in brother bear and teaching us important lessons about out connection to nature and each other...

i miss the apostle islands :)

if you haven't yet, i'd go see brother bear immediately

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

maTure, but say it the right way

so for the most part this year i've started to feel like i'm pretty old, i live on my own (with three other girls and a cleaning service and my food and housing are paid for and i have a stipend from my parents for other needs) but ya know, on my own, i have to make my own bed and everything.

i've started to feel like an adult. but then something happens and i am reminded of that part of me that will always act like a 13 year old girl who is too excited to form actual words.

hanson is going on tour and will be visiting a town w/in driving distance,

squeal squeal squeal, excitement excitement, scrunchy face, arms in the air, big scene at the student center, embarassment.

where's my backbrace?

Friday, February 22, 2008

well the sun is surely sinking down, but the moon is slowly rising

dear james taylor,
stop making me cry w/ your emotional and heart felt lyrics and your smooth buttery soothing voice
also you were super cute 30 years ago
love taylor

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

big pimpin, spending g's

1/3 of seis of base came to visit this weekend and i do confess i was supa dupa nervous, but it turns out it was oodles of fun, the merging of my two worlds was successful, aside from a little episode of drunken tears, but thats to be expected??

things that rocked about this weekend
1. free steak and creme brule
2. the sisterhood of the travelingpants 2 preview
3. ballroom dance competitions
4. chapasasis
5. truth or dare over strong vodka tonics
6. west wing season 1
7. cuddling w/ vicki's feet

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

bamorama baby

yes, we can.

i get chills

Monday, February 4, 2008

cultural barriers

"taylor, you must make your r's sensual in the word, like you are trying to seduce the person you are speaking to, you understand?"
"not really senora, sensual?"
"si!! sensual, translate this sentence but make in sensual, 'where may i buy my feminine products?'"

Monday, January 28, 2008

crime and punishment

consequences of a super crazy awesome weekend of fun
-no clean thermal socks
-pen constellations on your face
-very sore inner thighs and groin area
-extra pounds of grilled cheese and cake
-a strong reluctance to return to college and responsibility

Thursday, January 24, 2008

its the most wonderful time of the year

tomorrow, after celebrating with my grandma, i will be heading to my favorite place in all of the universe. it is a little place called lutsen, and while there i will be participating in my favorite activities

1)watching tv on dvd
2)eating grilled cheese and birthday cake
3)spending three days in sweatpants
4)muffin and sri

Monday, January 14, 2008

i listened to them when they were cool

while at school i have discovered that i have two really big pet peeves and they are as follows

1. people who talk through emotional climaxes of movies of tv shows-if we are watching the scene in hp5 when sirius dies, don't say "wait, who is he again and why is harry so sad?" RIGHT as he is falling behind the archway. If they are turning off the life support of julia robert's character in steal magnolias, don't ask "why are they killing her" in the middle of it. also, don't ever speak during any portion of legends of the fall, ever.

2. just because nobody else knows the band that you listen to, DOES NOT make them cool. and just because someone's favorite band had a really catchy pop hit in the nineties does not mean that it is uncool to like them or that all of the music they make right now is like that. (cough cough hanson cough cough) just because something is mainstream, doesn't mean it is therefore unhip or geeky to enjoy it. i like hsm, and hanson, and the color pink, DEAL.

thats all
oy with the poodles already

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

resolutions, documented forever in the interwebs

1. the boring one but i want to lead a healthier lifestyle, more time at the ray, more food groups, less gourmet gummi bears

2. stop spending so much time w/ john and ramon of the seven eleven, i know them too well

3. see hanson in concert, talk to at least one of the hanson brothers

4. go treasure hunting, like in national treasure but less dangerous

5. finally get my tattoo

6. stop fake friendships, get rid of the people in my life who don't deserve my support, surround myself w/ people who make me feel good about myself

7. try new foods, except for squid or other weird fish