Saturday, April 12, 2008

you make me feel like a natural woman

i have boy issues. not like drastic, start a sitcom about me issues but still, my dad and i had issues and in a very freud like way that transferred into every relationship with a human of the male persuasion.

well this all stops now. i used to think that every man i ever met was someone i had to hide a part of my life from. boys were people who couldn't handle all of the weird quirks and intricacies of taylor o'brien. that was until my four buck chuck enduced epiphany. there is a man in my life who has always loved every bit of me. granted my dad loves me with all of his heart. i know he does. and most of the boys my age i've met have loved the part of me between my clavicle and my bottom rib bone. but there is another man who loves my soul.

louie. my teddy bear. the gund bear who knows and appreicates me and the worst parts of me. he knows that sometimes i go to bed w/out washing my face or brushing my teeth. he knows how i dance when i'm alone listening to hanson. and he knows the things i do when i'm completely alone, and he still is willing to share a bed w/ me every.single.night. he even slept w/ me when i wore a back brace.

that is love.

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