Monday, December 31, 2007

emotional new years post

it took me less than a week to fall right back into my edina lifestyle. I lived in chicago for two and a half months and i have a really awesome life there but on break i went right back to sleeping until three and eating my mom's breakfast and going to starbucks and a movie and that was a eventful day. As much as i love it here, i CANNOT stay here. Of course i will miss it but that is no reason to stay here.

I also miss chicago. i miss class, i miss my new friends, i miss professors, i miss living on my own and being annoyed with the people on my floor (except for 104.5) i miss laughing about stupid things with kelly and being sarcastic w/ nina and giggling with the girls of seton hall. I love all of my friend from high school, they mean the world to me and always will and are irreplacable. I'm soo bummed that i'll be back at class while they get to gt into shenanigans here but if i have to spend another week in this bubble of a suburb of minneapolis i'm gonna burst.

so here is my message it the inter-nets and the world of blog readers: i love you, thank you for dealing w/ the boring posts of break, get ready chicago, i've been gone for awhile but taylor obrien is on her way back and ready to be in the city again and possible start trouble, to the people of edina, i love you i'll miss you and will see six of you over presidents day weekend :)

i'm not saying i hated all of break, coffee with laura was fun and there were other evening activities that i thoroughly enjoyed ;) sorry but a winky smiley face emoticon is what best portrays that sentiment, you know?

much love, talk to you in chicago

1 comment:

Sriracha said...

Safe back to Chicago, T. Can't wait to see you at Lutsen. I'll bring the sprinkles. You bring the yoga.