Monday, December 3, 2007

do as the raccoons do

If a quarter of college and a week of christmas break has taught me anything, it would be that i need schedule. I am an anxiety prone freak fest most of the time and if i don't have a schedule i start to turn into a nocturnal sloth. sleep until 3:45, move to the couch, watch gilmore girls special features and whatever primetime tv show i happen to be addicted to for that day of the week, go out for a couple of hours w/ laura or colleen and be bored in edina, then go to bed WAY to late and wake up the next afternoon and do it all again.

WELL ALL THAT CHANGES NOW! Tomorrow i start my job at jcrew, i'll be wearing khakis and i will mean business. I will act as a productive member of society, i will read books and write thank you notes and find some poor people who i could volunteer for. also, tomorrow i will be watching i love new york 2 and the hills because this weeks episodes look very scandalous.

maybe i'll start being productive on tuesday.

1 comment:

sponge said...

haha i love you taylor. good luck @ ur new job i will definitely come visit u once i start christmas shopping!

and um.. the series thing... i think id have a luke-gasm if i saw that baby on the shelf... that is amazing...the new target is kind of like what i imagine heaven is like except not so many flourescent lights.