Friday, September 26, 2008


i'm revoking my blog postponement because i have something very serious and pertinent to the election. especially who will be most capable and who has the best judgement to lead this nation.

what the hell was john mccain thinking? he clearly is not capable of making sound decisions regarding what is necessary to being a qualified candidate.

what sort of judgement told him that that tie was ok to wear in public?

think about it, what kind of ties to you want to be looking at for the next eight years.

i'm taylor o'brien. this is the hypothetical situation room.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

john mccain told me to.

i hereby postpone my blog until the financial crisis is solved. i can only focus on one problem at a time, and i hear this one is a biggie.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

30 years ago, i could've been taylor taylor

if you don't own it already, go out and buy james taylor's october road. not only was this man kinda dreamy when he was younger and had a drug addiction and some cheating issues, this album is possibly the most perfect soundtrack to the fall season ever. just skip the christmas song at the end.

Monday, September 22, 2008

if i had my druthers...

i think that all men should own a really good half zip. i think if i met a witty, politically active boy w/ a nice navy half zip, i would take off my emotional pants.

Monday, September 15, 2008

hmmm, a break from reality.

in when harry met sally, one of the adorable couples thats been married for years and years and years says the following about the moment they knew they were meant for one another.
"and thats when I knew. I knew the way you know about a good melon."

precious? yes.
sigh-enducing? yes.

but here in lies the problem.
I don't know how to tell if a melon is good. think about it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

fiction meets nonfiction

so barack obama met aaron sorkin at the beginning of the campaign cycle. aaron sorkin, for those of you who don't know, wrote the first four season of the west wing and i attribute my political aspirations to his show and mr. dockters teachings. i love him, he's fabulous. when meeting, senator obama said the following,
"aaron, i'm a huge fan. just to let you know, these next few years i plan on stealing some of your lines."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

a crystal ball shaped like mutti

they always make jokes about you becoming your mother. i thought that was supposed to happen when i actually became a mother and it was only gonna happen when i fought with my kids or when i drove them to school in my subaru. but its happening right now.

its been a slow process, one that has been taking place since the summer before my senior year when i grew big boobs like my mom. I sat on my glasses so they slid down my face like my mom. but this past two day period has showed me that the transformation is complete. mutti o'brien and i went to the cabin and it became abundantly clear, we are the same.

we do the same stupid dance moves in the car. (its a lot of snapping and trying to step touch without using your feet.)
we both talk to the tv during the rnc coverage and say the same things to the same stupid republicans. this can range from calling rudy g. an asshole at the same time (it came around the chanting of 'drill baby drill') or to nodding at the same time and saying mmmmhmmm during wolf blitzers response.

help me make it stop. how do i make this transformation go away. i'm not ready to be 54 yet. i'm still getting used to being twenty.

Monday, September 1, 2008

future job positions

I would like to be one of the following when i grow up.
-campbell brown on cnn. i would seriously like to be her. just hanging out and kicking republican ass on a daily basis. and she's hot.
-the jolie-pitt nanny. i would sleep w/ brad, it would be scandalous and perez would blog about it. glorious.

if anyone knows what i need to major in to become these things please let me know.