Saturday, April 26, 2008

mo money mo problems? false.

so my job is awesome. i'm all super important (more like just around important people) and i work in a big building on michigan ave. with real live grown ups.

but here's the deal, the grown ups get paid to be there with actual money, i get paid in experience and awkward encounters with my superiors. seriously i just make everyone really uncomfortable w/ nervous phrases like "gee wiz" and 'okie dokie.'

experience and awkward situations do not buy trips to 7/11 and trendy stores on halstead. they don't pay for the 12 stops at fast food restaurants on the way to a hanson concert. they certainly don't pay for trips to dominick's.

ps i think i'm spelling awkward wrong. akward? ackward? oh shoot, this is ...well you know.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

hey zac, wanna mmbop? i won't tell your wife...

so when i first got to bloomington, il for the hanson concert i was a little bummed for a couple of reasons. 1) bloomington sucked, seriously a zoo w/ no animals? what is there to sister sister at elroy's bar and restaurant and thats about it 2) we got there late and missed the walk, how was hanson gonna know about me if i didn't walk a mile w/ them barefoot?

well don't start crying yet, because i redeemed myself.

a couple songs into the concert i started having a hot flash, from all of the dancing of course. so i took off my shirt (don't worry i had a tank top on) and our seats were pretty good so hanson could see me. as i was derobing, zac looked up, made eye contact w/ me and smiled. what do i do to solidify our deep connection in this moment of intimacy?

i shimmied the girls like there was no tomorrow and smiled right back.

zac chuckled, smiled back, and completed my life.

Monday, April 14, 2008

lets skip the white house and head to bunny's

so today while at my new fabulous grown up job, cnn and msnbc were on in the background and the main story of the day was that barack obama was an elitist because of his "bitter" comment (which several reputable PA editorials have said is actually accurate) and that Hillary Clinton in a better candidate because she is down to earth, insert the latest pic of hil-dog drinking a beer and later doing a shot of whiskey...way to go

keep in mind that 4 years ago they said that Bush was the candidate that you would want to have a beer with, and look how well that turned out for the nation...

on a lighter note, my internship rocks, i now know where all of the beautiful men have been hiding in chicago, in 233 N. Michigan ave.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

you make me feel like a natural woman

i have boy issues. not like drastic, start a sitcom about me issues but still, my dad and i had issues and in a very freud like way that transferred into every relationship with a human of the male persuasion.

well this all stops now. i used to think that every man i ever met was someone i had to hide a part of my life from. boys were people who couldn't handle all of the weird quirks and intricacies of taylor o'brien. that was until my four buck chuck enduced epiphany. there is a man in my life who has always loved every bit of me. granted my dad loves me with all of his heart. i know he does. and most of the boys my age i've met have loved the part of me between my clavicle and my bottom rib bone. but there is another man who loves my soul.

louie. my teddy bear. the gund bear who knows and appreicates me and the worst parts of me. he knows that sometimes i go to bed w/out washing my face or brushing my teeth. he knows how i dance when i'm alone listening to hanson. and he knows the things i do when i'm completely alone, and he still is willing to share a bed w/ me every.single.night. he even slept w/ me when i wore a back brace.

that is love.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

allow time to simmer...

the ingredients for the perfect wed.
-first add three hours of time spend with oprah and the makeover crew, allow for oprah to come w/in six inches of yourself and your vip party of five
-then add a trip to michigan avenue for an interview w/ the obama campaign for a finance internship and be sure to include several politically aware and attractive men
-finish it off with an email informing you that you start your new internship next monday, and allow time for insanely spastic happiness to settle
-stir continually to avoid burning the broth