Thursday, February 26, 2009

pre panic attack blog entry

wanna know a sure fire way to ruin a perfectly good weekend? have the syllabus gods of the underworld plot against you to have four major papers due in four different classes w/in the same 48 hour time period. its as if i'm back in 9th grade at sections at slp, in full super hero swim suit costume, preparing to take to the pool. where are my pills? no pills? how about some afternoon wine? that'll do.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what happened to spring?

it was spring like three days ago, what are you doing to me snow?? i wore a sundress a couple of days ago and now there is snow on the ground and my face hurts when walking outside. i hate you snow. i hate you.

wanna know who probably has really bad self esteem? snow. nobody ever wants you around except for at christmas. i don't even care. go listen to some emo music and go away snow, i'll call you next december.

Monday, February 16, 2009

a wish my heart made

so i just had a wonderful dream and i thought it would be something the blogosphere would appreciate. also this way i won't forget it.

i was at a justin timberlake concert with colleen, but we were each sitting alone. the dance crew jabawokeez was perfomring too and one came up and danced next to me and asked me on a date. afterwards, in the camp pyro style cabin colleen and i were living in, said jabawokee came over and we went on a moonlit walk to the jonas brothers house where we ding dong ditched them. then jabawokee (who i think had a name but i can't remember) gave me a piggyback ride and asked me to junior prom. then we cuddled and he let me be the big spoon.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

i'm gonna talk about my mama if ya'll don't mind

Valentines Care Package contents:
-Pink J.Crew cords....49.99
-Brown/pink purse....15.00
-HSM 3 and Camp Rock Candy valentines...4.99
-homemade chocolates and goldfish...6.00
-realizing how well your mom and sister know you and forgetting you're single on valentines? priceless.

Friday, February 6, 2009

food for thoughT

add this to the list of things that irritate me. already the list includes jewel's attempt at a comeback, wind chill, old furnaces and 100 calorie hostess cupcakes.

the newest addition is people who over-aspirate their T's and P's. it is a sure-fire way to sound super pretentious and lose me as a friend. "Paris is jusT such a beauTiful Place in the sPring, don'T you agree Taylor? I was reading some liTeraTure while sTrolling through a Park and I realized, i'm PerfecT."

no. you suck. that p or t sound doesn't make you appear to be smarter than me. it doesn't make what you're saying more profound. it just makes me want to hit you.