Tuesday, February 26, 2008

maTure, but say it the right way

so for the most part this year i've started to feel like i'm pretty old, i live on my own (with three other girls and a cleaning service and my food and housing are paid for and i have a stipend from my parents for other needs) but ya know, on my own, i have to make my own bed and everything.

i've started to feel like an adult. but then something happens and i am reminded of that part of me that will always act like a 13 year old girl who is too excited to form actual words.

hanson is going on tour and will be visiting a town w/in driving distance,

squeal squeal squeal, excitement excitement, scrunchy face, arms in the air, big scene at the student center, embarassment.

where's my backbrace?

Friday, February 22, 2008

well the sun is surely sinking down, but the moon is slowly rising

dear james taylor,
stop making me cry w/ your emotional and heart felt lyrics and your smooth buttery soothing voice
also you were super cute 30 years ago
love taylor

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

big pimpin, spending g's

1/3 of seis of base came to visit this weekend and i do confess i was supa dupa nervous, but it turns out it was oodles of fun, the merging of my two worlds was successful, aside from a little episode of drunken tears, but thats to be expected??

things that rocked about this weekend
1. free steak and creme brule
2. the sisterhood of the travelingpants 2 preview
3. ballroom dance competitions
4. chapasasis
5. truth or dare over strong vodka tonics
6. west wing season 1
7. cuddling w/ vicki's feet

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

bamorama baby


yes, we can.

i get chills

Monday, February 4, 2008

cultural barriers

"taylor, you must make your r's sensual in the word, like you are trying to seduce the person you are speaking to, you understand?"
"not really senora, sensual?"
"si!! sensual, translate this sentence but make in sensual, 'where may i buy my feminine products?'"